Hello Everyone!  I have needed to say hello for some time now.
So much has happened.  Now that the Christmas and Holiday
season is upon us, I knew I needed to contact people to let them
know I’ve been hard at work creating some wonderful things. I am a creator at heart and I
have wanted to make a simple way for people to make their own patterns,
instruction guidebooks, ebooks, etc.  

Since moving across the United States from California to Oklahoma
I have been behind the scenes working on writing professional patterns
(In my Ribbonwoodcottage shop – https://www.etsy.com/shop/RibbonwoodCottage),
quilting, cross stitching, workbooks, small business templates, and then
creating a website for a ministry here in Oklahoma. 

Ribbonwoodplanner.com is also had some updating done to it.
I wanted to wait till I had some solid things to share.

This last year has been one of creating, designing, building a website, and printed
works for a ministry website. For years I have been a professional pattern designer.
And I have used that skill and knowledge to help others in their creating
business ebooks, patterns, devotionals and printed works to sell professionally.

But thinking of you and some of my co-creators –
Do you have something in your mind that you would love to create and
then sell as a
-diy instruction guide
-a devotional journal

Whether stitching, knitting, digital artwork, crochet, painting,
nail art, jewelry designs, you can take a few designated photos and
create a professional looking design book to sell with my templates.

We moved closer to our daughter. She is a joy bringer.Back to something
I want to share with you, over the last 20 years I have self taught myself
to make patterns because I had to, to send to Magazine editors for my
designs they asked to be in magazines. I didn’t know how at first.

I Cried. Felt dumb…all the things.So I began learning how. I am now able
to offer simple to use professional templates,
that I have created with beginners in mind.

Something with pictures and step by step instructions, that people
can use. Simply by taking  their photos, graphics, instructions, creative
and business ideas and inputing them into the premade template.

Much like a recipe card but with your measurements, your instructions
to get your end result of something you enjoy cooking, or perhaps a recipe
passed down from generations before you. Simple so others can know how.
With a pattern, skill or recipe  you make it. I just provide the steps and guidance.
I absolutely love what I do, making patterns that are simple for anyone from
beginner to skilled creator to use. Knowing how to make a simple instruction
guide has led me to jobs, writing, websites….because the basic format and
learning also expands to other simple skills. 

I’ve sold thousands of pattern over the last 20 years but it came with so much
frustration and upset. Because I just didn’t know how. So I decided to learn how.
I’m here to help with a template that has instructions.  

In the patterns I make from start to finish people enjoy making something and
feeling the pride and joy of creating something, rather than throwing it out due to
frustration or feeling like you just can’t make anything. Start to finish success.
Directions, photos, graphics, step by step instructions to a
finished professional design you can sell.

My templates can be used for creating small business workbooks,
devotionals, and more. Your pictures, your wording, your thoughts and
guidance in specific areas of my templates. They can be found here-


Wishing you a very Blessed
Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday.

And come by for a visit at my other creative Blog – https://ribbonwoodcottage.blogspot.com

I’m giving away patterns, freebies, printables all in a gesture of being thankful
for so many good things.

Here are a few things below I have created that are now on Amazon-

Several different options for you to see what you could use to create your look and make a pattern/instruction book that you can sell as your own.https://koji.to/k/9G3c

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I’m Debbie Booth

Hi there, I’m so glad you’re here! I’m the founder of Ribbonwood Planner, a place where I share my passion for planning, designing, and crafting. I love using templates (or patterns) to create stunning products, such as planners, guidebooks, and printables, that help small businesses and individuals achieve their goals. I also enjoy planning my own days with intention and purpose, so I can make the most of every moment. Whether you’re looking for some inspiration, tips, or resources to plan better, create more, or earn extra income, you’ve come to the right place. Join me on this adventure of living a beautiful and fulfilling life!

Let’s connect

All the important things! In my Stan.store!

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